Wow! I can't believe that I am sharing my life with the world! I mean, I am not a very private person--I tell everyone I meet everything--but that is usually my choice. It is so weird to imagine that people I don't know and will never meet will see this and gain something from it. (It is a good thing that I have never been the controling type) But, it is also a way for my people to stay up to date with what is going on in my life. The reason that I titled my blog 'The Best Year Ever!' is because that is exactly what this is. I have a great life, great boyfriend, great friends, great job and I need to share my experiences to rub it in the faces of all those who have shitty lives. JUST KIDDING. Hopefully, those who are where I was can have hope that things will get better if they believe that they will. And how do we believe things will get better? By reading the stories of those whose lives have gotten better; whether it is a fairy tale, movie, novel, or autobiography. Well, I will get back at ya with what is going on in my life shortly. Wishing you the best year ever....Mel