Monday, February 23, 2009

Let's Rodeo San Antonio

Me and Brit completed our 6, 6-hour shifts at the buyers registration booth at the SA rodeo this weekend and had a blast. One of the ladies that was volunteering with us is a mortgage broker and is going to give me a better deal than my last guy could. I am super excited. After 5 years of volunteering, it is finally going to pay off with more than that just the good feeling I have in my heart from helping give scholarships to students.

I put in an offer on a preforclosure. I am sure we will go back and forth a bit on the price, but I think that the work that I will have to do to make it liveable will be well worth the lower price and haggling. It is eerie to go into that house. The people who lived there before went into bankruptcy and left with only the essentials of what they would need and could fit in where ever they are living now. There are boxes of their things all over the house--one had shoes at the top. Bummer.

All of the crap in these pictures will be left behind when the house is sold. This is a sad, sad story indeed, but may have a happy ending for me! Wishing you the best year ever....Mel.

The Big City of Alice

It has been a while and I begin this blog with an apology for that. House hunting and work has had me drained for the additional effort that it takes to keep this updated properly.

Now, on to the big city (that is sarcasm because Alice is the size of Boerne).

I went to visit my dad before he left for Africa and we went to my old stomping ground, Fiesta Marina on the shores of Lake Mathis. I think that the reservoir has been steadily losing water since my partying days of the 90s. They used to have dances out there with live bands and back in my kicker days we would go and meet all of our friends from nearby cities of Orange Grove, Agua Dulce, and of course, Mathis. We would have the some of my most memorable high school parties here.

It was quite cool outside, especially because dad and I were riding on his Harley. They have seat warmers, and dad's body covered a lot of the wind, but I still felt chill. It was really nice because we went down some of the nearly deserted back country roads in that area of Texas and they are really peaceful this time of year. This is me being a Harley chick.
That night we hung out with some of my dad's biker friends. They are cool and down to earth people. I even got to see my dearest, oldest childhood friends, Matt and Britni. These two are the children of my dad's best friend, Mark. Seriously, I thought I was going to marry that boy. But luckly he had no romantic interests in me and I am thankful that his mom is not my mother-in-law and that I am not living in a trailer somewhere (not that he is like that, he has a very successful business.) But I think part of why we are both so successful is that we didn't get stuck in that small ass hick town.

The next day, dad bar-b-qued for us and we sat outside in the afternoon sun and talked about nothing much in particular. It was a great relaxing get away and I enjoyed spending the time with my dad.