Me and Brit completed our 6, 6-hour shifts at the buyers registration booth at the SA rodeo this weekend and had a blast. One of the ladies that was volunteering with us is a mortgage broker and is going to give me a better deal than my last guy could. I am super excited. After 5 years of volunteering, it is finally going to pay off with more than that just the good feeling I have in my heart from helping give scholarships to students.

I put in an offer on a preforclosure. I am sure we will go back and forth a bit on the price, but I think that the work that I will have to do to make it liveable will be well worth the lower price and haggling. It is eerie to go into that house. The people who lived there before went into bankruptcy and left with only the essentials of what they would need and could fit in where ever they are living now. There are boxes of their things all over the house--one had shoes at the top. Bummer.

All of the crap in these pictures will be left behind when the house is sold. This is a sad, sad story indeed, but may have a happy ending for me! Wishing you the best year ever....Mel.
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