Sunday, April 19, 2009

13 hour days

So last week we were collecting, copying and delivering the dual credit paperwork for 650 students to NVC and it was such a large and daunting task that every day last week was spent at work until 9 p.m.

Friday was a blur filled with presentations, students acting CRAZY, and finally, drinks with my boys. I met Michael, James, Jason, and David out at Fox n the Hound for a few beers and raunchy conversation. We got to hear about Michael's trip to Paris and London which made me even more determined to go there. James and David now teach a student that Jason and I taught back at Southside and I was excited to hear about how she was. The rest of the night was spent reminiscing about all the crude words that we used to use back in the day, but so rarely hear now--and for good reason they will not be repeated here. What happens at F and H, stays at F and H.

Saturday morning was storming so bad that it sounded as though a large water faucet had been left on. But after the storm--which ended about 6:30 a.m.--the rest of the day was fine. Since I had a sub on Friday and did not check emails all day, I did not know that the trip to the school to till the ground in preparation for Wednesday's Earth Day planting had been cancelled. Apparently, the coordinator felt that it would be too rainy on Saturday morning according to the forecasters and so they rescheduled for after school on Monday. Did they not remember that weather people are ALWAYS wrong?

So there I was sitting in a parking lot alone. I called up Denise and because she was going to come with me to Garden Center to plan out what things AVID is going to buy for the landscaping on Earth Day. We decided that we needed to get into the school because we each had forgotten things we needed. So we went and asked the AP who was conveniently working on a Saturday if we could borrow her swipe card to get into the building. She did not know it, but the alarm was on. So when we swiped the card and opened the door we were greeted by the high pitched beeping of the alarm sending its signal to the cops that someone was unlawfully in the school building. Denise throws her keys at me and says, "run and open the door and get the stuff!". I head up the stairs with her on my heels and asked, "why are we running? we work here!" I can't figure out which key opens the door so she grabs her key ring back and unlocks the door to our classroom. We grabbed our stuff and headed back to the APs office to give her back her swipe card. She is kind of an idiot and didn't know what to do so she called another AP and got the number to security. She explained the situation and told them that they did not have to send any police out. We found out that they already had 2 units in route. Great! we thought. The AP was able to turn off the alarm and we waited around to see if the cops showed up, but since the alarm had stopped ringing I guess they never did so we left to the Garden Center.

What a money hole! If I ever get a house and some money I must keep myself away from the Garden Center. There are so many cool things to buy. It is almost like walking into a shoe store and imagining what all those shoes would look like in your closet or on your feet any time you felt like wearing them--intoxicating. But since I am and incredibly indecisive person and get overwhelmed by too many options, my brain shut down and could not focus on what I needed for the school project. So Denise and I decided to bring my friend Carla along next week to pick out stuff because she is like a heat seeking missile when it comes to making decisions about gardening; mostly because she has a house and gardens--I kill all the plants in my apartment.

I came home after dropping Denise off and vegged for a while. I really like the t.v. show 'Life' and had 3 episodes to catch up on. I got through one and started cruising the Internet for Fiesta events I might be interested in. Most of them were trashy or 'family friendly' which translates into whiny, crying babies and for me to stay the fuck away. But I was interested in one called 'the taste of northside'. You pay $40 and get to sample food, wine, and other drinks from local restaurants. I think I am going to enjoy that this next Wednesday.

Later that night after realizing that my phone was near dead and that I had left my charger at Denise's, I got dressed and met Denise and Danny out at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the game and get my charger back. Danny said that he would pay for me if I ate 6 blazin' wings. I said he was crazy and that he could eat some blazin' wings his damn self. He double, then triple dog dared me that I couldn't handle eating even 3 blazin' wings. I said he had a deal, ate the 3 wings, won the bet, but paid for it this morning!!!

Today I am going to lay out and work on my BVI's tan. Can't be in a bathing suit at the equator without a base tan unless you want to be below deck with a 3rd degree burn the entire vacation. Wishing you the best year ever...Mel!

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