Ok, I know that Earth Day was 2 wks ago, but bear with me because I am slow at adding pictures to the blog and since I think blogs without pics are boring... I was kinda suckered into helping with the Earth Day landscaping on our campus, but it turned out to be an awesome thing. 

I learned how to till, bury edging, plant trees, pick out perennial plants, and haul mulch and compost in a gator. At first I had to dig so that the edging could be laid down. I was jumping on a sharp shooter shovel and fell over onto my ass! I had to laugh to keep from crying because it hurt when the shovel flew out of the ground and into my shin. I still have the bruise. The above pic is me post fall.
After my graceful kiss with the dirt I got a bunch of students to continue the digging and then they placed the lawn edging into the trench that they had dug. We had to do some cutting to get the edging pieces to connect, but after that it was smooth sailing.
I got to get into the gator that the athletics department has and drive around campus. We had a compost and mulch pile in the back of the school that I would have a student help me to load into the back of the gator and then dump back at the front of the school where we were beautifying. Actually, the final product kinda looks like a mess compared to the other side of the front of the school where the principal paid to have it professionally landscaped. But he ran out of money and is very grateful for what we did with the other side. I am very proud of it, mostly it has helped my build my confidence in myself and quelled my fears of buying a house with a yard.
Gardening is very addicting. I felt sore, sunburned, and happy at the end of the day. Sorry there are no final pics, all the ones I have had students in them and those can't be published on the web. Wishing you the best year ever...Mel.
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