Friday, May 15, 2009

Has anybody told you you're the youngest person in here?

Alan, a friend from the IT dept at work and his wife, Diane, invited me to the Splendor in the Garden Gala, a very beautiful party held every year at the botanical gardens in SA to raise money for their foundation. I am so thankful that Diane's boss, a lawyer in town, purchased a table even though he would be out of town and that Alan and Diane invited me to go with them when her boss gave her the table to fill. I feel like such an ass that I don't have a photo of them, but they are great people who I will hang out with again so I'll get their pic then.

I bought a new dress and arrived on time to the Gardens even though I had never been there before and was unsure that I would find it on time. I parked and walked to the Gala instead of doing the valet. Even if I wanted to spend the money on valet, I don't think I could. The whole passing tip money along is always awkward to me, even at the car wash. Alan met me at the entrance and we walked through a parade of waitstaff holding trays of drinks and hors d'Ĺ“uvre on our way to the group he had invited. It was magical.

I was pleased to see that my bud from down the hall at work, Ruthie, was there with her husband. She and I are much closer in age and it made me feel more comfortable to have her there.

Everyone was old and most had dates. Except for the bartenders. Most of them were broke,hot-ass, aspiring actor types who made a mean margarita.

It is the damnedest thing sometimes, life. When I go to the clubs to meet guys, I get tired of competing against 18 years old who have short skirts and tight asses. Now, when I think I am branching out and going where more respectable, mature men will be, I get screwed again. All of them were dating younger women, but they were younger like my mom's age. So these botanical gala type men are the ones who are too respectable to date the really young girls like me, they go with the 30 somethings who are still young, but who are at least as old as their biological children. So I am too old for the guys in the booty bumping club and not old enough for the men in the country club. Will someone pleaazzze explain this to me because it does NOT make any sense.

So there I was with my married friends with a margarita on the rocks and a kick ass dessert! But I looked great in that dress...the bartender told me so ;)

p.s. I couldn't get he red eye outta that one photo so don't email me telling me about it, I already know.


Unknown said...

To use the language of my students: OMFG, ROFL, YA2F!

Now we just have to figure out where your demographic hangs out!

Unknown said...

OH! And the bartender was right! You look HOT in that dress.

Mel said...

Thank you, thank you. And I think that YA2F means you are too funny? I tried to look it up, but google didn't know it either.